Adult Education Newsletter (September 2014)

The Adult Education Committee has been busy all summer planning and coordinating not only the Temple Sinai Shabbaton, to be held on Sept. 13, but our entire year of events. Here’s what we have in store (so far!) for 2014–2015:

  • We’ll take a little breather after the Shabbaton, and hold our first Book Discussion on Friday, November 21, after the 6:00 p.m. service. The book which will be discussed is “My Promised Land” by Avi Shavit.
  • On Saturday, December 6, we’ll hold our first Movie Night featuring “The Lemon Tree”.
  • We’ll open the secular New Year with a two-part series on Caring for Our Aging Parents, tentatively scheduled for January 11 and February 1, with a panel of experts from Jewish Family Services, the Hebrew Home, and the VNA.
  • We’re also coordinating with the Berlin Mosque to organize a springtime discussion on Islamaphobia and anti-Semitism.
  • Last, but not least, our spring book discussion will be held after the 7:30 p.m. Shabbat service on May 29. The book reviewed will be “The Last Jew”, by Nora Gordan.

Our next committee meeting at the Temple will be on Wednesday, September 17, at 7:00 p.m. We always welcome new members to our committee.

Best wishes to everyone for a very Happy New Year.


CH Hauss, Adult Education Chair new-message24