If there is some particular area or activity that you would like to support, the Temple has several funds to which you can direct your donations.
- Adult Education Fund: helps toward the costs of Adult Education programming
- Circle of Giving Fund: those who pay full dues and pay an additional amount can have their names added to Circle of Giving
- General Fund: general operating budget and contains donations to the “Yarzheit” fund
- Facilities Management and Improvement Fund: supports building needs not covered by the Building Fund (formerly the Fine Arts & Kitchen Funds)
- Library Fund: helps to purchase books, bookcases and supplies
- Mishkan T’filah Dedication: for $36, a prayer book may be dedicated, and a bookplate placed inside the cover, for a simcha or memorial
- Mishkan Hanefesh Dedication: for $36, a set of High Holiday prayer books may be dedicated, and a bookplate placed inside the cover, for a simcha or memorial
- Religious and Spiritual Affairs Fund: includes the Cantor’s Discretionary Fund for music and supplies for our music program, the purchase of prayer books, and similar things that make possible and enhance our services and spiritual lives
- Scholarship Fund: supports scholarships for Jewish camping
- Social Action Fund: supports our social action programs such as soup kitchen meals (food only—staff are volunteers), Mitzvah Day, and so forth
- Youth Programs Fund: supports our youth programs and the needs of our religious school