From the Chai Club (November–December 2014)

The Chai Club is holding a Pizza Party & Pops Concert on Saturday evening, November 1, at 6:00 p.m in the Social Hall. If you are a paid up Chai Club member, there is a nominal $5 charge per person. The concert will feature the Bloomfield Music Makers and will be most enjoyable.

On Wednesday, November 19, at 1:00 p.m. the Chai Club is sponsoring Current Events with Rabbi Bennett. All temple members are welcome.

Later in December, the Chai Club will have a dinner at a place to be determined. If you are a Chai Club member, watch for the mailing. If you are a temple member and 55+, you are invited to join the Chai Club. Dues for the year are $10. Please contact us and we will be happy to welcome you to the Chai Club.

Lucille Portner and Harvey Seltzer
Chai Club Co-chairs new-message24