Sisterhood Speaks (September 2014)

Time for the lovely, lazy summer days to wind up and to welcome crisp, cool, productive Autumn days. Tirne for Sisterhood to come back together after our summer siesta. I hope you had a wonderful summer, and feel ready for the New Year!

Welcome back to our Sisterhood members for another year of friendship and service to Temple Sinai. If you are not yet a member, please join us! Email us new-message24 or call the temple office and we’ll get back to you. We keep our dues low because we want it to be easy. It’s $30 for a yearly membership. Your membership dues support many temple needs, such as onegs, candles, wine, etc. Dues also support the work of Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) in lobbying for American women’s issue and in supporting progressive Judaism, providing an equal place for women in religious life throughout the world.

So, what’s on the for the month of September? It will be a busy month. The Sisterhood Board will begin the month with its Pot Luck Board meeting. We can talk and share our summer adventures before we get down to the important business of running Sisterhood.

Sisterhood will be involved in the temple-wide Shabbaton on September 13. Our cooking crew will provide tle home made lunch that will be served buffet style at Winding Trails. On Friday, Sept. 12, we will get together in the temple kitchen and prepare everything. We hope to see many of our friends at the Shabbaton, as we welcome Shabbat together, and then enjoy the afternoon activities.

On Sunday morning, Sept. 21, we hope to have the first of our Sunday Mornings for Mothers and Others. If you are dropping your kids off at Religious School, please come in and join us. We’ll be in he Multipurpose Room at about 9:15 a.m. with coffee and something to nosh. During the year we will sponsor several of the Sunday Mornings for Mothers and Others. Some will have activities, like our “snowsuit swap” or our “time with your teachers”, or just time for yourself to make new friends and keep the old. If there are other swaps that you would be interested in having us run, please let me know. I’ll be there on the 21st. Maybe we can do it together!

The end of September will bring us to the weeks of the High Holy Days. Rosh Hashanah will begin on the evening of Wednesday, Sept. 24. Sisterhood’s New Year’s geeting has been mailed along with your High Holy day tickets. Sisterhood members will be involved in ushering; in providing the breakfast dinner for Yom Kippur; in decorating the bima; providing the lulav and etrog for Succoth; and in providing the celebratory flags to the children for Simchat Torah.

The Board of Sisterhood wishes you a blessed year, and to the world, a year of peace.


Ann Speyer, Sisterhood President new-message24