Social Action Committee Newsletter (May – June 2015)

Whatever you find within your power to do, do it.


We are looking forward to our annual Mitzvah Day this month! Mitzvah Day and the Foodshare Walk Against Hunger are Sunday, May 3. Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m. that morning with a breakfast for all Mitzvah Day participants. Please wear a Mitzvah Day shirt from a past year, we will have a limited supply for those who do not have a Mitzvah Day shirt. Mitzvah Day events include: Dog toy making, Memorial Park cleaning, gardening on the Temple grounds, a mailing project, making sandwiches for the Mercy Shelter, knitzvah, and a tree of Tikkun Olam. If you have any flowers from your garden you wish to be a part of our temple garden please bring them to the Temple on May 3.

At 11:30 a.m. we will be serving lunch for Mitzvah Day folks who are walking in the Foodshare Walk Against Hunger. We will be going over to the walk at 12:15 p.m. Please sign up for team Temple Sinai at Our goal is a $1,000 donation from our Temple community.

Please contact Sarah Maltese by email new message24 or by calling the Temple office at 860 / 561-1055 with any questions. We look forward to seeing you at Mitzvah Day!


Sarah Maltese Social Action Chair new message24