A Letter from our President


I’d like to say hello to you all from the Temple Sinai Sisterhood.

As president of Sisterhood, I would like to invite you to join us as a member for the coming year. Whether you have a lot of time (who does?) or a little, you are welcome as a member. Please send e-mail to our membership committee new-message24

The Sisterhood has three basic goals:

  1. To support the day to day needs of the Temple such as onegs, challah, candles, groggers, people to light the candles, etc.
  2. To provide financial support for special projects that the Temple needs, such as the recent kitchen renovation and the sound system
  3. To provide a way for women of Temple Sinai to make friends, have fun, and share together

We hope that you will join. If you have any questions, please send me an e-mail new-message24

Jane Roth
Sisterhood President