Religious School Newsletter (April 2015)

We are all looking forward to warmer weather in the month of April after a very long, cold and snowy winter! We also begin to prepare ourselves spiritually for the wonderful and meaningful holiday of Passover, which is also called Z’man Cherutena (Time of our Freedom) and Chag Ha’Aviv (Holiday of Spring). As we celebrate Passover, the first Seder on April 3, we cannot help but to give thanks for all we have and the freedoms we celebrate. It is also a time for us to be mindful of our mission of Tikun Olam (Repairing the World), making our world a better place for all.

Religious School is flying by so fast and we have been busy! Purim was celebrated with a festive Purim Service on March 4 and with the Purim Carnival on March 8. A special todah rabah (thank you) to the hard work of our Youth Director, Mitzi Young, and the teens in the youth group who organized and ran this fun-filled carnival for the children and adults alike!

On Sunday, April 26 from 9–11:30 a.m., the 7th grades and their parents will participate in an important workshop led by facilitators of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in a program called “Confronting Anti-Semitism and Bullying”. Parents are expected to attend this informational and experiential workshop with their 7th grader.

On Friday evening, May 1, the 4th grades will participate in the Shabbat service at 6:00 p.m. followed by a dairy, pot-luck dinner for the 4th grade families.

Reminder: Religious School will be closed from Sunday, April 5 through Sunday, April 19 for Passover and Spring Break. School resumes on Wednesday, April 22.

As always, please feel free to contact me with any concerns.

Wishing everyone a meaningful Passover Holiday!


Rena Citron, Director of Education new message24