Social Action Committee Newsletter (March 2015)

In times of great coldness we must remember all the blessings we have in our lives. Soon (although not as soon as we all hope) we will be complaining it is too hot. We are also lucky to have heated places to go at night, and a plethora of state resources to ensure we have winter necessities. Please keep tikkun olam in your mind as you walk through the snow covered streets to get into your car, and when sitting in your warm home.

Thank you to all who attended the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Shabbat service in January. It was a moving and uplifting service and we look forward to doing more collaborations with different religious groups in our area.

Throughout the month of February we have been collecting new toiletries for the homeless community that will be dispersed through the Charter Oak Cultural Center. We will be collecting these items through March, as the Sisterhood is generously offering their time to create gift bags during an event on March 22 (see Sisterhood’s article for details).

The March Mitzvah of the Month is our annual children’s book drive in honor of Dr. Seuss. Please bring your new and gently used books to the Temple to be distributed at the end of March.

Please join us on March 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Charter Oak Cultural Center for their Monthly Read it and Sleep event. Families are welcome to come in pajamas and listen to stories with families from around the area. Please visit for more information on this event and the numerous other events at the Cultural Center.

Mitzvah Day and Foodshare’s Walk Against Hunger will take place on Sunday, May 3. More information to follow. We encourage all members to come and be part of this great day! There are activities for all ages and abilities.

If you are interested in helping to cook and serve meals at the Mercy Shelter please check our calendar for upcoming dates. This is a wonderful way of doing good and giving back to the community. Email our program coordinator new message24 for more information.

Sarah Maltese, Social Action Chair new message24